
A New Year, A Better You

Ahhhhhh a new year, complete with brand new shiny resolutions.  It seems that the majority of resolutions are always fitness/health/self-improvement based, some loftier than others: “this year, I am going to lose 20 pounds” or “this year, I am going to go to the gym every day and eat only…

Tricks for Beating the Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays are notorious for making it hard to stick with fitness goals, thanks to sugar-rich desserts, cream-filled casseroles, and general overindulgence.  Want to make sure that by the time January rolls around you aren’t struggling to button your pants? Worry no more, I’ve got five fail-proof easy tricks for…

High Intensity Training At Home

I understand that not everyone has the time to get to the gym, or even the access to one. So, I decided to create a high-intensity program that you can do at home (which means no more excuses, right?).  This program can easily be modified for any fitness level, and…

Loving Your Body and Yourself: The Journey to Acceptance

  We are all our harshest critics.  We see the “flaws”, the dimples and pockmarks and scars that no one else does.  We fixate on our perceived imperfections-the cellulite or the stretch-marks.  What if, just for one day, we focused on loving ourselves instead? What sort of a change do…