I hope that you guys enjoyed last month’s workouts. December’s training program will focus on overall strength, core, flexibility, and cardio with a special emphasis on upper body strengthening. As women, we sometimes neglect our upper body in favor of focusing on legs and glutes (I know that I have totally been guilty of this) and aside from creating imbalances, forgoing upper body conditioning can set you up for injuries, poor posture, and more. A strong back and shoulders will improve your posture, prevent chronic back pain, and ease tension headaches. Plus, did you know that just standing up straighter makes you appear leaner, longer, and more confident? Need any more reasons to focus on that upper body? Didn’t think so. Enjoy!
- DB/Kettlebell Deadlift (Heavy) 3×8
- Rack Pull (3×6)
- One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (3×6)
- Inverted Row (3×6) (the closer in your legs are to your body the easier these will be)
- Lunge 1-Arm Tricep Extension (3×8)
- Stir the Pot (3×5 circles per side)
- Varied Incline Sprints (run at a medium pace for one minute on a 0% incline, then increase incline and up speed to a sprint. Sprint for 20 seconds and then return to medium pace run on low incline for one minute. Repeat for 20 minutes).
- 10 mins on foam roller (focus on quads, inner thighs, pecs, lats)
- Glute Bridges – both legs and one leg (3×20 per side)
- Thoracic Rotation (2×10 per side)
- Plank (3 for a minute each)
- Turkish Get-Ups (3×5)
- Burpees (3×10)
- 20 mins jumprope or stationary bike
- Goblet Squat to Box (heavy) (5×5)
- Half Kneeling Land Mine Press (3×6 per side)
- Chest Supported Row (3×6)
- Barbell Glute Bridge (3×6)
- Set treadmill incline as high as it will go and set pace to around 3.6 Keep head and eyes straight forward, take long strides to stretch hip flexers, and walk at a brisk pace for 20 minutes.
- 10 mins on foam roller (focus on quads, inner thighs, pecs, lats)
- Plank (3 for a minute each)
- Bird Dog
- DB/Kettlebell Swings (30 sec rest between each set) Start with 5×10, second week 8×10, third and fourth week 10×10
- You can take Day Four as a rest day from cardio, or run for ten minutes for extra burn
DAY FIVE (no weights today)
- 20-45 mins of cardio. Go all out! Choose from sprints, spinning, run, incline walk, kettlebell swings, jumprope, zumba, whatever makes you sweat!
- Finish with leg raises
And for inspiration……