Here’s the real deal, guys. I can go on and on about food and nutrition and exercise and break down how to lead a healthy life, but the real fact of the matter is that ultimately only YOU can decide what works for you. Only you can define what a “healthy lifestyle” means, and only you know what feels best for your body, mind, soul. At the end of the day each of us has to ask: “what makes me happy?”. The answer to this question is more important than you might think. Time and again studies prove that if we do not enjoy what we are doing, whether that be a job, a relationship, or an exercise and diet program, at some point we will start to fail and eventually quit. So if the current way that you are living is not enjoyable, it ultimately will not be sustainable! If one of those three key components (mind, body, soul) is suffering, change it up. Try something new. Find what works for you and then build your lifestyle around that, and watch it work wonders.
There are a million people out there with a million different takes on what is the “right” way to live, diehards who believe that their way is the best way and all other ways are simply crap. I am not one of those people. I know what works for me, but I also understand that what works for me may not work for everyone else. Nor do I think that “my way” is the best way, I simply know that the information that I share with all of you is ONE way to be healthy and happy. Also notice that I am not using “lifestyle” and “diet/workout program” interchangeably. That is because they are not the same. A lifestyle denotes that the way you eat and workout is a part of who you ARE, a part of your life, not something short term. And while there is nothing wrong with short term diets or workouts or anything else for that matter, short term will not translate into a lifestyle change. Lifestyle changes take work, they take time, and you have to love what they are comprised of.