Frozen and Letting it Go

Recently we took the babe to see Frozen, her first movie in a theater! Some of the previews scared her and a few parts of the movie as well, but overall she had a pretty great time-and since Big C and I were secretly wanting to see the film as…

Paleo Shredded Chicken Lettuce “Tacos”

What a freaking mess this week has been.  Between Little C’s pneumonia and pink eye and my glorious sinus infection I am sooo ready to put this week behind me.  Thank goodness for easy, simple, healthy meals! These chicken “tacos” are so incredibly simple and good for you.  We are…

Oil Pulling: What’s The Deal?

You may have heard people talking about oil pulling recently, and thought to yourself “What the crap are they talking about?”.  So let’s just clear things up. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, a text about Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine).  Dating back to 500…

The Love of A Mother

Poor Little C.  Yesterday when she woke up, she was complaining about having “something in me eye” (she talks like a pirate sometimes) and kept rubbing her little lids.  By mid day it was clear based on her blood shot and gooey globes that we were dealing with a case…

Kid-Approved Mangonanaberry Popsicles

Ahhhhhhhh battling another flu.  I spent most of yesterday wiping a very runny little person’s nose, visiting our favorite pediatrician, taking temperatures and doling out lots of advil and snuggles.  I swear, preschool is going to be the end of me.  Little C and I just can not catch a…

Drinking Your Way to Health

HA. If that title had you running to break out a bottle of Pinot, read further. We are talking about the wonders of H20 today amigos (so sorry to disappoint). You have heard before, I’m sure, about how important water is for health, but do you know why? And did…

Leopard and Stripes

Finally an outfit post! Little C and I have colds yet again (thank you never-ending preschool plague) and when I’m sick the LAST thing that I want to do is put on clothing unless it’s a pair of comfy sweats and a tee.  However, since Big C and I had…

Why I Want to Marry Coconut Oil

Can we talk for a second about the amazingness that is coconut oil? It’s really just incredible in terms of it’s versatility and uses, from a beauty booster to a baking badass.  It has to be one of my favorite all around products, and I keep a jar in the…

Staying Fit While Traveling

Hi loves! Lately Big C and I have been talking about where to go on our next vacation (we all need a break from life sometimes!) and have been throwing around various ideas.  Make sure you scroll down for some freaking GORGEOUS shots from various places we have been wanting…

A Girl and Her Cat

Some days you just need simplicity-and there is nothing more wonderful and simplistic than the relationship between a child and her pet.  I love the relationship that Little C and Daisy have; Daisy can be quite ornery with people but when it comes to Little C she is so very…