Naughty Monkey

Party Doll Gets Casual

TOP: Free People (on sale $34!!)  ::  COAT: Forever 21 (old), similar style here and here  ::  DENIM: BlankNYC  ::  BOOTIES: c/o Naughty Monkey First off, it’s Thursday, and I could not be more grateful. Sometimes the weeks just get so crazy busy and I can not keep up. I feel…

Party Doll with Naughty Monkey

BOOTIES: c/o Naughty Monkey  ::  DRESS: Forever 21 (in store), super similar here  ::  LEATHER MOTO JACKET: Express (old), similar faux leather style here (great price), loving this leather beauty Happy Monday loves! The weekend (per usual) went by far too fast. Luckily, I have a great remedy for getting rid of the…