
Snow Owls and Snowballs

DENIM: Blank NYC (on sale 35% off at $54), more sizes here  ::  BOOTS: Sorel  ::  SWEATSHIRT: Target (girl’s section, I bought the XL), obsessed with this hot pink Markus Lupfer sweatshirt  ::  VEST: June x Revolve  ::  SUNGLASSES: Ray-ban  ::  BEANIE: Forever 21, similar here and here The babe loves…

A Girl and Her Daddy

LITTLE C OUTFIT: SWEATSHIRT: Target (in store) similar here  ::  PANTS: Target  ::  BOOTS: UGG  ::  HAT: Target (in store), similar here BIG C OUTFIT: SWEATER: Patagonia (in store), similar style here  ::  SWEATS: Nike, black here There are times where I wonder why I blog. For reals. There are times where I feel pointless…

Hopes For a White Christmas

CROP TOP: Forever 21  ::  SKIRT: Forever 21  ::  JACKET: Truth and Pride (old), similar styles here, here, and here  ::  HEELS: Topshop (on sale!!) First off, sorry that there wasn’t a post yesterday – we have been traveling and I have a cold, and once every so often it feels good…

Christmas Morning

Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and surrounded by those you love.  Little C had such a great time-she was SO excited that Santa had come for her! Here are a couple snapshots from our Christmas morning.

Last Minute Gifts

We are doing some VERY last minute shopping today, since flying with a bunch of gifts in our already packed suitcases is pretty tough (I have a propensity for overpacking). Just in case you happen to be like us, here are some great last minute gifts for the special lady…