Fur Coats and Me














COAT: Forever 21  ::  SWEATER: Forever 21  ::  SKIRT: Forever 21  ::  BOOTIES: Ivanka Trump x Nordstrom, similar style here, here

I love this time of year. Los Angeles has actually cooled down enough for faux fur and Christmas lights dot the houses; poinsettias line the walkways and everyone seems just a bit kinder than normal. It’s also the time of year where sales are all over the place and you can stock up on all of the essentials for the coming year (everything I’m wearing in this post is on sale!!). A friend of mine on Instagram tagged me to share thirty random things about myself, and since it’s been a while since I did a “get to know me” post, it’s perfect timing. However, coming up with thirty things about myself is actually really difficult so today I have 15, and by tomorrow I should have the rest, lol. Leave me a comment letting me know something about yourself too, I love getting to know you guys and developing friendships with my readers. I think that’s why we do this sort of thing, blogging, social media. We want to reach out, to make connections…or at least I do. Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!

About me…

  1. I grew up in Northern California about two hours north of San Francisco
  2. I had chickens, ducks, bunnies, a miniature pony for a short period of time, a cockatiel, and a myriad of other animals growing up
  3. I went to college in Irvine, California and then went up to Santa Barbara where I lived until I moved to Los Angeles about seven and a half years ago
  4. I have a serious fascination with criminology and used to want to be a forensic psychologist
  5. I love to read and am a total bookworm
  6. I am also a nerd about animals; I love animals and can spout off the most random, useless facts about any sort of living creature
  7. Our family has two cats, Daisy and Dexter, and a bearded dragon named Shark
  8. Our cats were on a show called ‘My Cat From Hell’ on Animal Planet (because they are insane) – being on a TV show and seeing yourself on the television is super weird, by the way
  9. My husband and I got married twice, once in Utah where his family lives and once in Northern Cali with my fam
  10. Our weddings were about a week apart – total insanity
  11. We both went back to work those few days between the two weddings
  12. We still have not gone on a honeymoon (can you say workaholics?)
  13. I work full-time at a company in Santa Monica, and I love what I do. I have always found working to be cathartic, and for a super OCD person like me, having structure is really important
  14. I used to be a personal trainer with LA Fitness and was the personal training general manager at a few of the clubs here in Los Angeles
  15. A lot of people ask where I find the time to blog along with being a parent and working full-time. The answer is that I blog at night and I don’t sleep enough. I miss sleep. A LOT.