Recently my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and nephew came out from Utah to visit, and we had such a great time! Our good family friends also came out from Kansas at the same time with their son and it was so awesome having all of these kids for Little C to play with! Big C’s younger brother and his wife live in Utah (where Big C is from) and their son, Riley, is a few months older than Little C. Watching the two of them together is so much fun, they look like twins and act like the same person – so silly and full of personality. Little C adores Riley and listening to them talk and play together is just the coolest thing. We all headed out to the LA Zoo for the day (at the tail-end of Little C’s Adenovirus adventure) and while the majority of the time she sat in her stroller or curled in my arms, I did get several photos of her looking happy and enjoying herself. The little ones loved the monkeys, especially the baby monkeys that were so playful and child-like. They spent a good twenty minutes after watching the monkeys playing on a small tree and pretending to be monkeys themselves, hopping from branch to branch, hooting and chirping in monkey voices. Little C also capitalized on the heat and her sad sick eyes and was able to get an ice cream cone which made her day all the more exciting. Sorry I’m not sorry for the overload of pictures, all of these little ones are just too cute and I can’t help but share all of the pics. Also, please note the group of photos of Little C being Little C (which means her usual quirky silly self), you can’t help but laugh!