little c

After The Rain

So a few weeks ago we had THE STORM OF THE CENTURY. And by “Storm of the Century” I mean that Los Angeles got a grand total of over 2.7 inches in about 48 hours. I know. Catastrophic, right?  Local news stations were on ‘storm watch’, and forecasters warned of…

Baby Swag & Playing with Light

Welcome to the new site!! I hope that you all love it as much as I do 🙂 The site is now way more mobile friendly, has a great search capability, and is all over streamlined and spruced up! A huge thanks to Philippe at Black The Digital Agency for…

A Girl and Her Cat

Some days you just need simplicity-and there is nothing more wonderful and simplistic than the relationship between a child and her pet.  I love the relationship that Little C and Daisy have; Daisy can be quite ornery with people but when it comes to Little C she is so very…

Tyrannosaurus C and the Albuterol

As you all know, we have been sick…constantly. Like 3 months straight of coughs and snotty noses and humidifiers and jumbo-sized packs of Kleenex. FOR REALS.  So poor Little C developed this nasty rumbly cough during her bout with the most current bug, and on Friday we decided it was…

Family Time

\ This past weekend we flew up to San Francisco to spend time with my family and celebrate my Opa’s 89th birthday (‘grandfather’ in German).  Can you imagine? Eighty-nine years…so incredible. This man lived through the holocaust, through World War II, polio, cancer….he is a survivor, and he has such…