My Fav Food Blogs

Sometimes I can’t remember everything (SHOCKER). Sometimes, I leave my laptop at work and then I can’t do a post….which leaves you guys SOL for the day. So, my apologies. Lucky for you, instead of my rantings and musings for the day, I decided to do a quick share of some of my most favorite food blogs which I get tons of ideas, inspiration, and recipes from! So enjoy 🙂 I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

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I am obsessed with Oh She Glows, an amazing and absolutely GORGEOUS vegan blog that focuses on real foods (most of which are also gluten-free, yay!). I can not wait to make this Pad Thai Salad (and these Carob Almond Freezer Fudge bites for the Little C). Oh She Glows has gorgeous content and such a vivacious energy, definitely a must-read blog! Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 10.53.14 AM


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Ok this next feature is not a blog, but since this is MY blog I get to create the rules, yay! Salad Samurai by Terry Hope Romero is SO awesome. Romero takes salads from blah to out-of-this-world yumminess with zesty dressings and genius veggie combos, and every recipe is vegan!! I have been dying to make this Backyard Buffalo Ranch Caesar Salad (as posted on The Sweet Life).

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Speaking of The Sweet Life, this vegan Pho is also on my list of must-try recipes!

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Another amazing blog that I am completely in love with is My New Roots, a holistic whole food blog with incredibly beautiful content and healthful, nourishing recipes. This Roasted Sesame Winter Slaw makes my mouth water when I think about it, and contains pretty much all of my favorite veggies in one glorious salad combo. And her pictures? To die for.

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And this Raspberry Ripple Buckwheat Porridge…I have to try.

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