Sometimes I can’t remember everything (SHOCKER). Sometimes, I leave my laptop at work and then I can’t do a post….which leaves you guys SOL for the day. So, my apologies. Lucky for you, instead of my rantings and musings for the day, I decided to do a quick share of some of my most favorite food blogs which I get tons of ideas, inspiration, and recipes from! So enjoy 🙂 I’ll be back at it tomorrow.
I am obsessed with Oh She Glows, an amazing and absolutely GORGEOUS vegan blog that focuses on real foods (most of which are also gluten-free, yay!). I can not wait to make this Pad Thai Salad (and these Carob Almond Freezer Fudge bites for the Little C). Oh She Glows has gorgeous content and such a vivacious energy, definitely a must-read blog!
Ok this next feature is not a blog, but since this is MY blog I get to create the rules, yay! Salad Samurai by Terry Hope Romero is SO awesome. Romero takes salads from blah to out-of-this-world yumminess with zesty dressings and genius veggie combos, and every recipe is vegan!! I have been dying to make this Backyard Buffalo Ranch Caesar Salad (as posted on The Sweet Life).
Speaking of The Sweet Life, this vegan Pho is also on my list of must-try recipes!
Another amazing blog that I am completely in love with is My New Roots, a holistic whole food blog with incredibly beautiful content and healthful, nourishing recipes. This Roasted Sesame Winter Slaw makes my mouth water when I think about it, and contains pretty much all of my favorite veggies in one glorious salad combo. And her pictures? To die for.
And this Raspberry Ripple Buckwheat Porridge…I have to try.