
Inspiration. We all need it. Sometimes I don’t want to write about fashion or food or motherhood or working out. Sometimes I just want to bask in the glory of beautiful photos and day dream about the glorious places I want to go and the sounds and smells and sights I want to experience.

in·spi·ra·tion  1.The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Synonyms: creativity, inventiveness, innovation, ingenuity, genius, imagination, originality; 2. The quality of being inspired, especially when evident in something.

What do you pull inspiration from? For me, it’s images and music. Beautiful pictures invoke something in me – they make me want to be more, do more, see more. Music does this as well, it brings out feelings that I didn’t know were drifting just beneath the surface of my consciousness. Music makes me feel like I can be anything.

So, in the honor of inspiration, here are some of the images that I have been gazing at as of late. Gorgeous flowers, fruits, cities. Water, light, words of wisdom. Enjoy, and be inspired. Find your inspiration, find your muse and your music. And in case you’re having a hard time finding yours, go ahead and enjoy mine 🙂

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