Mom Life

A Farewell & the Aquarium

Our amazing neighbors are moving, and I am so sad. Big C has had to travel for work a lot so they have become like our second family. Their son, Joey, is a year younger than Little C, and the two babes absolutely adore each other. Little C asks for…

Redefining ME

You know what happened when I gave birth to Little C? I lost ME. I completely forgot myself. Who I was. Everything was different. EVERYTHING. Before we get any further, let me expound upon that statement.  It is not meant to be a negative, that I lost myself. It simply…


One of the greatest gifts that my parents instilled in me at a very young age was a love for literature. They read to me constantly, my room was filled with books. I loved that books could transport me to anywhere I wanted to go-they gave me free reign to…

Best Friends and Ice Cream

On Saturday we met up with Little C’s best friend, Miss M.  The girls have been besties since they were teeny tiny, pre-crawling babes and they love spending time together (plus M’s mom and I happen to be the best of friends as well so it’s a win all around)….

No Shame Parenting

Mommy wars.  Ever heard the term? It first became popular when writer Leslie Morgan Steiner penned the book “Mommy Wars: Stay-at-Home and Career Moms Face Off on Their Choices, Their Lives, Their Families”, but in recent years it has been used to describe a multitude of parenting debates.  Formula feeding…